
MuscleTech Nano Vapor, 150 Caplets Review

MuscleTech Nano Vapor, 150 Caplets
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I got some of this from GNC in a pre-pack with Intra-vol and Anabolic Halo. I always switch up the pre-workout suplement so my body won't acclimate to it and thus I no longer works. I took this on an relatively empty stomach (only 2 caps) with 2 caps of Gackic. I went to the gym to do a Deadlift/Posterior chain out and after the first two sets, I thought I was going to die. I was getting this jittery seasickness thing in my stomach. I was all light headed and dizzy and my heart rate would not slow down, even after a 2-3 minute rest. I've never been stoned in my life, but this is must be what it feels like. At this point, it wasn't about Pump anymore, My workout was about survival. I pressed onward and finished my Deadlift sets even though the rest periods were longer and longer. Combined with the Gackic I had this full-body cold feeling and my legs shook when I tried to do barbell shrugs later on. So I just hit up my abs and went and sat in the locker room to recover and eat my banana with almond butter. It took about 10 minutes but the high went away.... this was after taking just 2 caplets... what if I'd taken the recommended dose of 6? The next week, I tried it on an full stomach and I didn't feel anything much more than a caffeine high. I had a similar episode roughly two or three more times. that was about 8 months ago. now I can swallow three preworkout about 1 hour after lunch and get a good focused mind with good stamina and a healthy dose of caffeine.
I take this sparingly still because of the caffeine (Yohimbe?) tachycardia issue. I got it in the summer of 2010 and I still have half the bottle or so left (Jan 2011). I'll stack it with NO Maxertion caplets from GNC because they have no caffeine in them and I get a monster pump using this method on my volume days. And that's when I'm not taking Jack3d or Hemo Rage or the NO Xplode. This is the stuff that I wouldn't give to my friend without a liability release form singed. And my friends that used to do drugs and have been miraculously delivered from that lifestyle, I wouldn't loan it to them either... they'd probably like it too much and fall back into their old ways.
WARNINGS: The caffeine will keep you up all night too, so look out...don't take it after 6pm or at least not 3-6 of them. Store them in the bottle it comes with. If you carry them in a pill carrier for more that a couple of days, any moisture they encounter will eventually cause them to fall apart... they're supposed to fall apart and powder up inside of you to distribute better. Start off slow with one or two caps and see how you do ... if you are sensitive to caffeine, forget it. Stick with a straight arginine/carnosine igniter supplement or just drink a Zero-Carb Rockstar before you work out. Because you'll probably feel like you're going to die even though you probably won't.
INTERESTING: Do you notice that people who say "I don't like the way those things make me feel" are the same ones that complain that a supp isn't working because they don't "Feel anything".????

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You may think you've been training hard and your regular pre-workout formula is getting the job done. The fact is that most regular pure arginine formulas may not be delivering the workout experience you need to pack on muscle. This is not another "same old" version of a generic nitric oxide formula. Team MuscleTechresearchers bring you the second coming . Anew naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series formula that has literally changed bodybuilding forever. Its scientifically advanced power is unprecedented. It's a nitric oxide pre-workout formula designed with scientifically studied key ingredients shown in scientific research to build eight times more muscle, instantly increase strength and change your training experience on your very first dose.

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