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(More customer reviews)This is the third cycle in Cathe's Shock Training System (STS). You're lifting 80-90% of your 1 rep max and it's tough! I love all the Mesocycles, but this one is by far my favorite because it makes me feel so strong. I also love the Squat Rack Routine for legs; there's a different routine for each of the four weeks of Mesocycle 3.
What I especially loved about this DVD set:
**It's inspiring to see my progress. I followed the suggestion to continually increase my weights by 5% and I successfully lifted 90% of my one rep max.
**It works! I'm lifting heavier than I have ever lifted, even heavier than when I was working out with a personal trainer. I'm also more toned than I have ever been.
**The rest periods. The 3 minute rest between each set for a body part really helped me lift heavy with good form for the entire workout.
**The Squat Rack routines really shaped my legs like nothing else; they were more effective for me than the Plyo Leg routines.
Some things to note about this Mesocycle:
**Since you are lifting very heavy, you need to be extra safe. For chest presses and chest flies, I didn't lift my heaviest because I didn't have a spotter and I didn't feel safe lifting on my own. I was afraid the weights would come crashing down on my face with the chest presses. With the chest flies, I was afraid I was going to tweak my shoulders.
**It takes some creativity to lift heavy for the Squat Rack leg routines. I don't have a squat rack, so I improvised with a weighted vest, weights in a knapsack and a weighted belt (created by stringing two ankle weight belts together). I did all this so I didn't have to lift more than 45 pounds on my barbell.
**The rest periods can seem very long, especially if you're used to doing more endurance type workouts and moving quickly from one exercise to the next. I love heavy weight training so the rest periods didn't seem too long to me.
**Cathe keeps talking after the rest period is over. This is when she'll give form pointers for the upcoming exercise. I usually start the set as soon as the time is up. Otherwise, my arms fatigue from holding the weights and I can't finish my reps. She should give those form pointers during the rest period.
**the target weight calculations are too low by 1-2 pounds. It's odd since the calculations in the other two mesocycles are accurate. I went through and manually recalculated my target weight so that I was truly lifting my maximum weight.
**You'll most like need extra sleep during this mesocycle. You're putting a lot of strain on your body and you need time to recover.
I highly recommend this mesocycle as a way to really build up your strength. For best results, I suggest doing all three mesocycles and taking the time to calculate your one rep max.
Click Here to see more reviews about: STS - Mesocycle #3 + 4 Optional Leg - Squat Rack Routines (12 DVD set)
Includes all 12 DVDs from mesocycle #3 plus the 4 optional Leg - Squat rack routines. Included: 1. STS mesocycle #3 + 4 bonus Leg - Squat Rack DVDs (16 DVD set)Mesocycle 3 is all about strength and divided into the 3 muscle groupings with 4 workouts per grouping:#1 Chest and Back#2 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps#3 LegsYou'll lift weights that are 80-90% of your 1RM during these four weeks. Your rep range will be around six to eight reps for most exercises. This method will allow your different muscle groups to always have at least two to three minutes of rest, which research shows is the minimum necessary time to replenish the body's various energy cycles needed for a high intensity workout.The first week you are going to do four sets of eight reps for every exercise, resting two to three minutes between each set of the same muscle group. Do the same for weeks two and three, but increase your weight by 5% for each workout and decrease your reps by one. On your fourth and final workout for this mesocycle, you will do eight reps again, just as in week one, but you'll use the weight you used in your second workout. If everything goes as planned you should be 5% stronger at the end of this mesocycle.The Plyo-Workout is for those who don't own a squat rack and will focus on explosive strength utilizing plyometric moves mixed with traditional leg strength training exercises. If you wish to follow a true strength program and want to follow the same 5% Method used in the upper body workouts in this cycle, then select the Squat Rack workout option.
Buy cheap STS - Mesocycle #3 + 4 Optional Leg - Squat Rack Routines (12 DVD set) now.
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