Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)I have been using Cathe faithfully for 2 years now. This video is very very nice. The workout is very intense, yet she has some different moves. :) She starts out doing leg work, like squats, and deadlifts, then to some lunges, then to back, then shoulders, then triceps/biceps, chest, then abs. The abs were a bit shorter but KILLER!!
One thing she also does in this workout is she does some curtsy lunges using sliding disks, (or paperplates if you have a rug). I didn't have paper plates, and found that using a very thin magizine worked just fine! LOL (since magazines are very slippery)..I actually used one of my victoria secret magazines LOL ;) Worked like a charm for this part.
She also does another different move by using bands while holding a dumbell for lat rows.
This entire workout clocked in about 60 min (not counting warm up and cool down). But one thing I also loved was that the warm up was light weight training..where you do squats, lunges, everything--but with lighter weight, and slowly. So that was very nice. :)
She has Premixes also :)
Here are her premixes (note-that if you chose to do the normal basic entire workout, you will do each body part-alternating lower bod, then upper).
Premixes (5)
-Upper Body Only (39:14)
-Lower Body Only (34:36)
-Full Workout: Upper Body First (64:38)
-Full Workout: Lower Body First (64:38)
-Scrambled (total body) (64:58)
This workout is not boring at all. One thing I did assume was because it was called "high reps", I thought for this workout you use very light weight, and do all the reps "fast"...since usually that is the case with a "high rep" workout. Although this one did use lighter weights in some segments, and yes, some reps were a bit fast. :) Maybe one day (just for fun), she can make a workout where you use no more then 5-8 lbs and do a ton of fast reps. :) lol..
Overall, LOVED this workout!! I plan to also use this with Intensity, and do one day- upper body using this workout-and the step cardio portion of her Intensity Dvd. Then do Lower Body from this workout, and do her bootcamp and floor aerobics from her Intensity DVD..they both go hand in hand!!!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Cathe Friedrich's High Reps DVD
High Reps is an intense 65 min long total body, muscular endurance workout loaded with energy, variety and of course, high reps. It features our customized rockin' soundtrack that'll make your muscles lift, pull and stretch while they reach for that last rep.Do this workout one or twotimes per week and enjoy the benefits of improved muscular endurance, a revved up metabolism, increased bone density, better muscle tone and feel energized all day long. * The format of this workout is simple:You will be doing ten songs. Each song is choreographed to music and concentrates on exhausting one muscle group at a time through the use of light-to-moderate weighted dumbbells, a barbell, a slide disc (or paper plate) and a medium tension stretch band.Focus and concentrate on each rep to bring your muscles to complete exhaustion. * It will take a few attempts to find that perfectly challenging weight for each body part.Once that "perfect" weight no longer pushes you like it did, increase your weight load. If you're new to this style of weight training, modify with lighter weights for the first few workouts. * To make High Reps more versatile, we have included five premixes for you to use at any given time to accommodate your workout needs or simply change up your workout for greater muscle confusion. *High Reps contains thefollowing five premixes: * 1. Upper Body Only - 39.14 minutes * 2. Lower Body Only - 34.36 * 3. Full- Upper Body First - 64.38 * 4. Full - Lower Body First - 64.38 * 5. Scrambled - 64.58
Buy cheap Cathe Friedrich's High Reps DVD now.
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